Women love shoes! They love the way shoes look and feel, and they will sometimes go to great lengths to find the perfect pair of shoes to wear only once or twice with the perfect outfit or the fashion of the day. Once worn, these fashionable designer shoes may spend weeks, months, or years in the closet without being worn again until another special occasion comes up. With that said, are expensive designer shoes really worth their cost? Historically, shoes were invented to protect feet from the elements, from sharp rocks, hot sands, and blisters. Shoes were made to be simple and functional, with tough leather soles and straps.
As society became more sophisticated, the role of shoes shifted from protective functionality to image enhancing; shoes were made to add glamour and status to the wearer, especially for royalty or special dignitaries. Shoe designers began to specialize in the craft of fashioning shoes for the wealthy; shoes meant more for show than for function or simplicity. Good shoemakers earned a reputation and printed symbols on their shoes, so that people would recognize the maker of that particular design.
That was the beginning of designer shoes. Specialized designer shoes for women are often known for their quality, durability, elegance and style. Notice, however, that the word comfort is not included among this list, and that is because expensive designer shoes are not supposed to be worn eight to twelve hours a day.
Many women develop serious problems with their feet because they do not wear the proper kind of shoes during the workday. Tendonitis, shin splints, twisted ankles and small fractures in the bones of the feet can result from wearing designer shoes for too long, and the medical costs for taking care of these issues can get very expensive. So along with those high heels, pumps, sandals and cute little boots, it is important to invest in a pair of good, sturdy, comfortable shoes that you can wear when you have to be on your feet for long periods of time. These kinds of shoes can also be very expensive, but I can assure you that those are definitely worth the cost. Some popular makers of designer shoes have been working towards incorporating comfort and functionality into their shoes, and those brands have achieved some success, but despite the added benefits it has been noted that women still go for style and uniqueness above everything else. Being unique and popular are the ultimate goals of any fashion conscious woman, and as long as this is the case, designer shoes will try to meet their demand, which means that the costs for obtaining shoes will remain very high.
So to answer the question as to whether or not designer shoes are worth the cost, the answer is a definite yes, but be smart and invest in an expensive pair of durable, comfortable, not so stylish shoes for the days when you want to go mucking about for hours!.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Women's Designer Shoes at http://www.shoesalestore.com